November/December, 2001
US Fall Tour
Denver, 1. 1. 2002, thanks to Laurie
December 31, 2001
De Oudejears Staatsloterij Show, RTL 4, Netherlands TV
(Andrea sings Melodramma and L'abitudine together with Helena)
Oudejaars Staatsloterij, NL, 31. 12. 2001, mit Helena
December 23, 2001
Christmas concert in the Italian senate 
(RAI uno, Ital. TV)
under direction of Maestro Salvatore Accardo Andrea sings in front of the President of the senate, Marcello Pera and other important guests:
L'Inno di Mameli (Italian hymn)
Bellini: Malinconia, ninfa gentile
Bellini: Ma rendi pur contento
Bellini: Per pietà bell'idol mio
Verdi: Ave Maria
concerto di Natale,23.12.2001,RAI uno
December 18/25, 2001
Early Show
Andrea sings Melodramma, Si voltò and Silent Night
Early Show, CBS, 18. 12. 2001
December 22, 2001
L'Envie D'Aimer
F2 (French TV)
(Andrea sings Melodramma)
L'Envier d'aimer, 18. 12. 2001
December 17, 2001
RAI tre (Italian TV)
(Andrea sings several songs from his new CD and gives a long interview 
Novecento, RAI tre, 17. 12. 2001, mit Pippo Baudo
December 4,9, November 27, 2001
The View and other short interviews on US TV
(Andrea sings Melodramma and is interviewed by Joy Behar)
The View, ABC, 4. 12. 2001
November 28, 2001
Larry King Live
(Andrea sings Melodramma)
Larry King Live, CNN, 28. 11. 2001
November 23, 2001
The Today Show
(Andrea sings Si Voltò and Mascagni)
Today Show, NBC, 23. 11. 2001
November 18, 2001
Vivement Dimanche
F 1, (French TV)
(Andrea sings Melodramma)
Vivement Dimanche F1, 18.11.2001
November 16, 2001
Children in need 
BBC 1 (British TV)
(Andrea sings Melodramma)
Children in need, BBC 1, 16. 11. 2001
November 15, 2001
Victoria's Secret
from Bryant Park, Manhattan, New York
(Andrea sings Mascagni)
Victoria's secret, ABC 15. 11. 2001


November 14, 2001
Sanremo Giovani, RAI uno, (Italian TV)
live from the Ariston, Sanremo
(Andrea sings Melodramma and later L'abitudine with Helena)
Sanremo Giovani, RAIuno, 14. 11. 2001, mit Helena


November 10, 2001
Noche di Fiesta
TVE (Spanish TV)
(Andrea sings Un dulce Melodrama in Spanish)
Noche di Fiesta, Spanien


November 10, 2001
event for solidarity in the Piazza del Popolo, Rome, RAI uno, Italy
from the event for solidarity in the Piazza del Popolo, Rome
RAI uno, Italian TV
 live from Rome
(Andrea sings Ave Maria and Panis Angelicus and gives a little interview 
RAI uno, 10. 11. 2001

Andrea Bocelli: "Peace is a dream to defend."

November 5, 2001
Open House
Channel 5 (Great Britain)
Andrea sings Melodramma and gives a short interview
Open House, Channel 5, GB, 5. 11. 2001


November 3, 2001
Torno Sabato,
RAI uno, Italy
 live from Torino
(Andrea sings Melodramma and Con te partirò)
Torno Sabato. RAI uno, 3. 11. 2001


November 3, 2001 Staraccademy TF1, French TV
live from Paris, F1, Frankreich
(Andrea sings Melodramma und together with a young singer Vivo per Lei)
Staraccademy, TF1, 3. 11. 2001


November 1, 2001
BBC 1 Breakfast News
BBC 1 (British TV)
Andrea gives a short interview and sings Melodramma
BBC 1 , Breakfast News, 1. 11. 2001


October 31, 2001
This Morning Show
ITV (British TV)
live from London
(Andrea gives a short interview and sings Melodramma)


October 28, 2001
Official Memorial Service for the victims of the terrorist attack in New York from September 11, CNN, N-TV, RAI
New York Ground Zero
Andrea  performs Schubert's 
Ave Maria at the 
28. 10. 2001, New York Ground Zero, Gedenkfeier, NTV
October 21, 2001
Superhitparade, ZDF, (Germany- Benefit show for World Hunger Aid)
Benefit show for the World hunger aid live from Essen)
(Andrea sings Melodramma and together with Sarah Brightman: Time to say good-bye)
Superhitparade, ZDF. 21. 10. 2001


October 13, 2001
Parkinson, BBC 1 
(Great Britain)
(Andrea sings Melodramma)
Parkinson, 13. 10. 2001, BBC 1


October 13, 2001
Wetten Dass ? ZDF, Germany
(Andrea sings Melodramma)
Wetten Dass? ZDF, 13. 10. 2001


October 12, 2001 Televiziering, Tros, Netherlands TV
live from Amsterdam, Tros  (Netherlands TV)
Andrea sings Melodramma and receives a Gold CD for Cieli di Toscana 
Televiziering, NL TV Tros, 12. 10. 2001, mit Treinde Oisterhuis


September 9, 2001
Zauber der Musik, ZDF, Germany
transmission of a gala taped on July 13 in the Kongresshaus in Salzburg
Moderatoren: Barbara Wussow und André Rieu
Zauber der Musik, 9. 9. 2001, ZDF


September 8, 2001
Dono d'Amore, RAI uno, Italy
appearance of Andrea as witness for ARPA
Dono d'amore,RAIuno, 8.9.2001


July 21/22, 2001
2 concerts in London and Dublin
Dublin, 22.7.2001, mit Steven Mercurio und Ana Maria Martinez, Thanks to Laurie


July 20, 2001
London Tonight  
ITV 1,  Interview Great Britain


London Tonight, 20. 7. 2001


June 17, 2001
concert for ARPA, Pisa
TG 1 17.6.2001


May 22, 2001
Canale 5, Italy
(Andrea presents the Telegatto - Italian TV Award - to Liz Taylor)
Telgatti Mailand, 21. 5. 2001, mit Liz Taylor


May 21, 2001
Star Team for Children
Eurosport Live, Germany
(Charitiy soccer game of Michael Schumacher's Formula 1 pilots against Prince Albert's Allstars in Monte Carlo) 
Allstars for Children, Monte Carlo 22. 5. 2001, Eurosport


April 19, 2001
RAI int, USA
Zoom, RAI int, 19. 4. 2001


April 1, 2001
Arts and Minds,
BravoTV, USA
Bravo TV, mit Clinton, Herbst 1999


March 22 till April 6, 2001
Springtour in North America
Boston, 1. 4. 2001, Thanks to Mary-Ann


Februar 13, 2001
Prima della Prima, "Amico Fritz", RAI tre, Italy
RAI tre 13. 2. 2001, Prima della prima, Im Teatro Filarmonico di Verona


January 27, 28, 2001
Verdi Requiem, Munich Stateopera, Germany
Bayrisches Staatstheater, copyright


January 19, 21, 23, 2001
L'Amico Fritz, Teatro Filarmonico, Verona, Italy
Amico Fritz, Jan 2001, Copyright 2001 Fondazione Arena di Verona





January 6, 2001
Goldene Europa 2000,
ARD, Germany
transmission of the award gala
from December
Andrea receives the
Goldene Europa for classical music and
sings "Di quella pira"
Goldene Europa 6. 1. 2001, ARD